Saturday, December 17, 2011


Luis Guerrero 
Art in NY
Final Project

            I interviewed an artist that I know who’s name is Doris Alvarado. She is from Puerto Rico and was a teacher. Doris, even though, does not have time to paint or draw, loved to paint throughout her whole life. Doris is now 56 years old and studied in the University of Puerto Rico. She use to follow a famous artist named Bob Ross. She use to study a lot of his techniques and has many portraits of his paintings when she use to follow him. I asked her how did she become interested in art, and she told me that it was something that came natural to her. She said people are born with a certain talent or talents that they are good in, so art, along with singing were the talents that she was able to be naturally good at. Doris views art as something that anyone can be free with. Painting was something she always loved to do, and use to take out a lot of time doing so. Another reason why she loves it is that she believes it is a form of therapy to the person who is doing the art. Being able to do good art takes an open mind, creativity and a lot of patience so that whatever the artist wants to accomplish, comes out well done. When Doris use to paint, she use to use a lot of oil paints on large canvases. She only has a very limited amount here in NY. The rest of her paintings are in a relative’s house in her native country in Puerto Rico. Doris wishes she had enough time to paint but due to her age and at the moment, she barely has time to do some art. I was very interested in all she had told me about her philosophy on art and how her surroundings are very inspirational to her and to many other artist. I was pleased to interview her because even though I know her, this is something people don’t know much about.

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